You are one year down the drain and you look back at what has been achieved with your puppy. There have been many milestones!
Marvelous memories far outweigh the mishaps that have been part of your life. The mishaps mainly belong to the house-training category. After the first couple of months, your puppy should know where to poop, but this can take longer. It all depends on how you have disciplined your pup.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s go back to the very beginning when you first got your pup. That joy and excitement you will never forget as you hold the pup in your hands. It’s so small, about as big as your hand, and you think it’s impossible that this little bundle of joy can grow into a big dog!
That day is firmly imprinted in your head. If you had a spouse or friend with you when you went to pick up the puppy, he or she cradled the pup as you drove home. The little pup, still asleep, is carried into your home and deposited tenderly on a blanket in the dog’s basket.

He began to explore his new home
You remember when the pup awakened to a whole new world and began to explore a new world, his home! He may be totally disorientated and a little stressed but give the pup all the time in the world to acquaint himself fully with his new abode. The love and care you bestowed on your pup, then you gave even more as the puppy grew.
You also remember your first trip to the vet when your pup was vaccinated. Going to the vet then was a breeze, but it became harder as time moved on. It’s amazing how your dog knows it’s “vet time” as he grows older and then vanishes!
Your house training should have ended during the middle of that year, and you celebrated when your dog stood at the door, wagging his tail and waiting to be let out so he can make a poop!
Dog-less people won’t understand when you tell them of this moment and the joy it brings. But you feel the joy knowing there’s no more (or maybe a little) picking up poo in the home or apartment.
After about four months, you found out where the puppy playgroups were, and you took your pup along so he could meet some canine friends of the same age. You remember how he was cautious at first and then romped about with the other pups. Your vet told you about these groups, and you were so glad he did.
You realized the importance of getting to know other canines at this early age for your pup, and how eagerly he came to know and play with the others.

He came to know his name
He came to know his name after a few months and responded to your calling. What a joy that was. You remember just whispering his name when you were close to his basket and he immediately sat up. You cradled him and patted him and gave him a big kiss.
He also lost his baby teeth after about six months and new adult teeth started forming. Most owners don’t even know these teeth were gone and the pups just swallow them; they are so small.
After about nine months, you had your pup neutered, following the vet’s instructions. You felt so good knowing you were doing your bit in controlling the pet population.
Then there was his first birthday and you celebrated with friends and a big cake with one candle in it!
After that, as he grew older, he began his trips to the park and the beach, and you remember fondly the excitement that brought.
Fond memories will always be in your heart. That first year, especially, is one you will never forget.